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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Malcolm x: The book of real story

America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, even eaten with people who in America would have been considered 'white,' but the 'white' attitude had been removed from their minds by the religion of Islam”.

                 The book Malcolm x is written by Alex Haley and it is best seller in America. This is not a story of a simple man but it is a revolution against the rights which has been lost for some people in America because of their caste and their colour. Where the white people segregated from them.

In the American history the words Apartheid and the civic rights was famous because the discrimination was a common thing among them.
 In 19th century America was diverged as two groups as black peoples and white. So, the blacks were enslaved by whites because of Apartheid.

Malcom understood the difficult of People whom were discriminated by their caste and etc. So, he fights against them who makes discriminations between peoples. After all it cleared in America as Obama became the president of America who were in black cast.


Malcolm x

Malcolm is the leader of Islam in America who was born in 1925 -May 19 in Omaha USA. His father was named as ravand and his mother is little. His family was from African country as in early age American used them as slaves.

Alex Haley
He has seven brothers. His family was very poor as in his childhood his father dead in a car accident. After his death family has no income so, he tried to robbery but ones the copes catch him to arrest.

 His mother was a mental patient so he didn’t get much kind from his family. So, he didn’t have any relatives to look after him. As the government helped for him and he was adopted by someone. From this he started to study well till 8th stand as his teachers were amazing by his performance and he was perfect than others in his classroom.

Once Malcolm said to his teacher “my goal is to became a lawyer” when the teacher hears this from him, she replayed as “No. It will not become true” because you are from a black cast. From this he started to protest for freedom from white castes. 

                 After years, he went to New York for a job and he got a job as a shoe polisher in a night club. After that he was addicted to drugs meanwhile, he loved a girl. After some months she leaved him because of these bad habits. When she left him in that situation, he causes extreme unconscious and he committed with bad friends also he started to use more drugs and to supply them to people. And he listed into the notable list of cops. Meanwhile he started to steal for this, he and his friends were arrested by cops.

Back to his real life

When he surrendered before the cops when he was in the jail. From this his life opened a new leaf in his career. For first time in the jail it was very boring to him so he starts to read many books. After some months he started to read Islamic books as it became unexpected miracle in his life and he studied more about Islam. Then he knew the truth and he became leader of Islam in his nation.

He spends his most time with alga Mohammed as for two years to know more about islam
by this time the Islam spread in America as most of them was black brothers. Because in islam there was no difference between black and white. And he started to propagated people in islam and he built mosques. And he went to mecca to its real story.  And he was cheated by a spy as he dead from him.

This is heart touching story and it motivates you as what to people and his life very inspiring for all.

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